Server Owner (1338)
Are toate comenzile de la toate levelurile de admin! SYNTAX: /setadminlevel [playerid] [level]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid's admin level to the chosen amount.
SYNTAX: /makeircadmin [playerid] [channel]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid as admin of the chosen channel.
SYNTAX: /rcnn [text]
FUNCTION: Will display a message in the console under Raven's RP name.
FUNCTION: Will body and psychically repair the car that the administrator is in.
SYNTAX: /upload
FUNCTION: Will restart the server announcing an update.
SYNTAX: /setlotto [number]
FUNCTION: Will start the lotto and set the winning number as the chosen one.
SYNTAX: /setjackpot [amount]
FUNCTION: Will set the lotto's prize to the desired amount.
SYNTAX: /resetammutimer [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid's ammunation time to 0 (see weap training feature).
SYNTAX: /setweapskill [playerid] [weapon] [amount]
FUNCTION: Will set Skill of the playerid weapons to the desired amount.
SYNTAX: /gotoammu
FUNCTION: Will Teleport the player to the ammunation.
SYNTAX: /spayday
FUNCTION: Will force the payday.
SYNTAX: /(bank)moneyall [money]
FUNCTION: Will set everyone's money to the choosen amount (CAN BE NEGATIVE).
SYNTAX: /gmx
FUNCTION: Will Restart the Server.