SYNTAX: /setteam [playerid] [teamid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the playerid's team to the chosen one. SYNTAX: /unban [name]
FUNCTION: Will unban the chosen name.
SYNTAX: /anews [text]
FUNCTION: Will announce the breaking news in the screen of everyone.
SYNTAX: /gates
FUNCTION: Will display the gates that the Admin can open.
SYNTAX: /givemats [playerid] [mats]
FUNCTION: Will give the chosen amount of mats to the chosen player.
SYNTAX: /respawnallcars
FUNCTION: Will Respawn all the cars that are unused.
SYNTAX: /logout
FUNCTION: Will logout.
SYNTAX: /logoutpl [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Logout the player that has been chosed.
SYNTAX: /logoutall
FUNCTION: Will logout everyone.
SYNTAX: /setskin [playerid] [skin]
FUNCTION: Will Set the playerid's skin to the chosen one.
SYNTAX: /ddrights [playerid] [level(0-1)
FUNCTION: Will set the player dd rights to 0(non dd manager) or 1 (dd manager).
SYNTAX: /fuelcars
FUNCTION: Will Refill all the cars with 100% fuel.
FUNCTION: Will Clear the console chat.
SYNTAX: /sethp [playerid] [health]
FUNCTION: Will Set the player's health to the chosen one.
SYNTAX: /setarmor [playerid] [armour]
FUNCTION: Will Set the player's armour to the chosen one.
SYNTAX: /forceskin [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will force the skin of the player to the faction one.
SYNTAX: /explode [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will explode the player.
SYNTAX: /cnnn [style] [text]
FUNCTION: Will send a GameText with the chosen style.
SYNTAX: /cnn [text]
FUNCTION: Will display a message in the top of the screen.
SYNTAX: /copsuspend [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Suspend the player from cop duty (See Cop Duty Feature).
SYNTAX: /acnn [text]
FUNCTION: Will do the same as /cnn but will add Admin: to the start of the text.
SYNTAX: /gethere [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will get the playerid chosen to the administrator position.
SYNTAX: /supervehslap [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Super Slap the player's vehicle by setting it higher than /vehslap.
SYNTAX: /asellhouse [houseid]
FUNCTION: Will sell the houseid chosen.
SYNTAX: /asellbiz [bizzid]
FUNCTION: Will sell the bizzid chosen.
SYNTAX: /givedrugs [playerid] [drugs]
FUNCTION: Will give the drugs amount chosen to the playerid.
SYNTAX: /asellsbiz [sbizzid]
FUNCTION: Will sell the sbizzid chosen.
SYNTAX: /setchamp [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the playerid as Boxing champion.
SYNTAX: /copunsuspend [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Unsuspend the cop from Cop Duty.
SYNTAX: /td [style] [text]
FUNCTION: Will Display something similar GameTextForPlayer, but this has own styles and locations; this uses textdraws.